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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

= The mother's milk


Giving of the mother's milk as immediately as possible in time one hour after the birth by means of allowing the baby to follow his instinct to drink the mother's milk could prevent 22% death of the baby who just was born.

The expert in the mother's milk from centres of Laktasi Indonesia Dr. Utami Roesli explained that could happen because of the mother's milk that was first went out contained nutrition and important substances that were needed by the baby.

Drink the mother's milk in beginning moments of the birth, he said, also made the baby just was born and the mother carried out direct contact (skin to skin) and gave mutual important stimulasion that could cultivate the baby's surviving capacity and sped up the process of restoration of the health of the mother.

“Kontak skin was very important because the chest of the mother heated the baby exactly. The warmth when giving the mother's milk to the baby reduced the death because hipotermia,” he explained.

The mother and the baby also. According to him, felt calmer so as the heartbeat as well as his breathing were stable.

During investigated looked for the mother's breasts, Main continued, the baby will lick the mother's skin, swallowed the bacteria was not dangerous on the mother's skin that will form the colony of the good bacteria on the intestines that will oppose the harmful bacteria in his environment.

”First time the baby found the mother's breasts and suckled was early a relations suckled you-baby that will maintain his life,” he said.

He hoped the method could be applied by all the mothers that more babies could be rescued because according to the latest data 35 from 1,000 children in Indonesia died before his first birthday.

The WHO report in 2005 in fact mentioned every time six minutes of one baby in Indonesia died.


Diarrhoea of one of the illnesses that most often was encountered when the source of water that was used by the community was contaminated by pathogen micro-organisms like the bacteria, the protozoa parasite and the virus.

”Got the source of clean water to drink evidently was not easy. The source of water from the river, the lake or the pond tended dirty, in fact often turbid moreover when the rain season arrived. Water in this condition clear was contaminated,” Christina's words from the Foundation of the Lamp of Yogyakarta village.

Christian suggested, the community's habit to get the healthy drinking water was by means of being boiled. In several areas that his water was turbid, the community must process water became clear and appropriate to be processed to the drinking water. The fact is, some communities that still were using turbid water without the process so as to appear or from the aspect of the feeling of having his lack.

Pur water the filter system was the mixed material took the form of the powder that could kill the pathogen bacteria and eliminated the solid in water. ”Water that was dirtiest could become clean, safe and healthy water to be drunk.” Christian's words.

Developed by Procter & Gamble (P&G) co-operated with the Centre of the Control and the Prevention of the United States Illness, PUR was made from the chlorine material as disenfiktan and coagulant substances to eliminate the solid in water, protozoa and the virus. Moreover, PUR also contained the substance to kept took the form of clay and plimer to support the occurrence of coagulation and fokulasi that was good.

The PUR content material in fact was the general material was used in the process of purification of water in various countries.

His difference of PUR was made in such a way as to be able to be used in the level of the household without needing the installation was focussed that needed the expensive cost.
This program not was the new activity for PT Quaker in Indonesia. During 2004, Quaker had carried out the similar activity in two companies that involved the employee of this company.

Saw the response that was positive from the participants, this year was again held for the public and was unlimited in one company.

The process rekrutmen QSHC participants through several stages, Quaker was opened booth check free cholesterol and free consultations with the Quaker nutritionist in several shopping centres.

Items Oatmeal that contained me Glucan was protracted fibre that could unload the level of cholesterol in blood.

Quaker Oat could unload cholesterol in the heart et cetera was changed into bile acid that will be distributed in the digestion.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

= Aterosklesrosis


Aterosklesrosis or ”the hardening of blood vessels,” meant the pile of coral and the pliancy loss of blood vessels.

Aterosklesrosis the coroner had an impact on blood vessels that brought blood headed the heart, and could trigger the heart attack. Whereas aterosklerosis karotid the coroner had an impact on blood vessels that brought blood to the brain and could trigger stroke.

The heart attack was a situation that was threatened the spirit. If late was dealt with, big the possibility of the sufferer will experience the death.

Was based on the Department of Health data and the Foundation of the Heart Disease, The illness the heart was the cause of the main death in Indonesia.

The heart attack (heart attack/the infarct miokard) was the situation where the heart muscle (miokardium) experienced damage or the death. This could be caused because of the stopping of the supply of blood that brought oxygen. The supply of blood could be disrupted resulting from:

1. of one of the coroner's pulses were blockaded during several times, this could resulting from spasme (to tight him the coroner's pulse), or resulting from trombus (blood clotting).

2. existences of the constriction and the obstruction by the dump from fat substances (cholesterol, trigliserida) that was increasingly old increasingly many and accumulated under the deepest layer (endotelium) from the wall of the artery.

The heart disease also was wrong the risk factor of the occurrence stroke. Stroke was marked by the disturbance emergence/the sign of the central nervous system (the brain), both that was local and global (the decline in the awareness) that was resulted in by the disturbance of the circulation of blood on the brain that took place more than 1 day.

Along with signs of the coronary heart disease:

1. feelings were pressed (as being fallen on by the burden, pain, was hemmed in, was blackmailed, was burnt) on the chest, and could creep into left arms, the neck, and the back.

2. were choked or crowded for more than 20 minutes.

3. cold sweats, weak, the heart pounded, and unconscious.

4. increasingly decreased by resting, but getting heavy with the activity.

Stroke could happen in all the age stages, his frequency was higher to the person who had risk factors for the occurrence stroke.

Risk factors stroke that was main was hypertension, the heart disease, diabetes, hiperkolesterol, obesity, smoked, the user of narcotics, and hiperurikemia (vein acid).

To prevent the occurrence stroke or stroke occurred again that is by living healthy, controlled the risk factor and medicine therapy.

= The new method cancer


At this time was present the new method the handling of the patient of heart cancer. These efforts were believed in could increase hope of his life.

The patient of heart cancer who was treated with sorafenib experienced the improvement on the life expectancy of 44%. Tea of New England Journal of Medicine published results of the third phase research, the tablet sorafenib could reduce the risk of the death of 31% apda the patient with cancer of the heart cell stadum continued. Therefore, sorafenib was agreed for HCC medical treatment to by European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to Okteber and in November 2007.

“At this time the handling for other cancer had the handling that more advanced, was different from heart cancer that still experienced difficulty,” said Dr. Josep M. Llovet, the representative of the head investigator and the professor from Barcelona Clinik Leiver Cancer (BCLC) Group IDIBAPS, Unit Liver, The Clinic hospital Barcelona in Jakarta. this happened because of the shortage of the medical treatment system to extend the life expectancy and the shortage of the opportunity to carry out the operation. “Medicine this became the first choice in the handling of heart cancer,” Josep words. According to him, the subject from this research reflected the new standard of the handling of heart cancer with the use sorafenib.

”Globally the death rate in heart cancer continued to rise, was caused prevelensi the infection from B hepatitis and C,” Jordi Bruix words, Co-Principal investigator and the director from Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) Group; the senior consultant, the Liver Unit, hospital Barcelona. The international SHARP research the third phase (Sorafenib HCC Assessment Randomizes Protokol) was carried out against 602 patients of heart cancer who did not yet get the handling beforehand. The research was carried out by comparing the level of continuation of the life on the whole, development time of the tumour, development time simptomatik between the patient that received sorafenib compared with plasebo. concerning results of this research was presented in American Society of Clinical Oncology in June 2007. In general the life expectancy figure of the patient that got sorafenib was 10.7 months.

Whereas for the group that got plasebo only 7.9 months (HR=0,69; p=0,0006). Whereas in general time of the tumour expansion was 5.5 months with sorafenib compared with plasebo that is 2.8 months (HR=0,58;p= HR=0,58;p=<0,001). The side-effect that was connected with medicine most often with the stage 3 or 4 that received Nexavar was diarrhoea and the reaction hand-foot-skin. There was no indication ketidakseimbangan if seeing the serious side-effect between the Nexavar group and placebo. ”Cancer the heart cell was the second type from cancer where sorafenib showed the useful profit in a clinical,” manner said Dimitris Voliotis, MD, vice the president, Nexavar Clinical Development, Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceticals. ”We happy that at this time sorafenib was available for the patient who contracted cancer and we will continue to work with the bodies of the world regulation to get use permission sorafenib,” said Dimitris.

= The program descended cholesterol


The Quaker Smart Heart Challenge program (QSHC) asked the participants to unload cholesterol by consuming Quaker Oatmeal totalling 70 gr/the day for 30 days.

QSHC was held to help the participants to change the pattern of eating so as to make Quaker Oat one of the of their input of daily food.

The change in the pattern of eating this was expected to be able to help unloaded cholesterol of the participants who were diagnosed had high cholesterol.

The participants were also accompanied doketer specialis the Quaker nutrient each week to monitor the pattern of eating that was good and the sport activity that must be carried out by participants.

Apart from making the importance community of the health of the heart aware, Christina Nico Senior Brand Manager PT Quaker Indonesia also stressed the Quaker interest to help reduced the risk of the coronary heart disease that became the killer of the number of one in Indonesia.

Consumed Quaker totalling 70 gram that contained 2,9 gram protracted fibre can for 30 days unload the level of total cholesterol and LDL of 9 percent.

The QSHC program also often was carried out in several countries and was proven unloaded cholesterol. Several countries that had held QSHC were the United States, Mexico, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia.

This program not was the new activity for PT Quaker in Indonesia. During 2004, Quaker had carried out the similar activity in two companies that involved the employee of this company.

Saw the response that was positive from the participants, this year was again held for the public and was unlimited in one company.

The process rekrutmen QSHC participants through several stages, Quaker was opened booth check free cholesterol and free consultations with the Quaker nutritionist in several shopping centres.

Items Oatmeal that contained me Glucan was protracted fibre that could unload the level of cholesterol in blood.

Quaker Oat could unload cholesterol in the heart et cetera was changed into bile acid that will be distributed in the digestion.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

= Smoking?

SMOKE sped up teeth CARIES

Cigarettes not only caused cancer, the lungs, the heart disease, but also caused the problem of the other health. Therefore, avoided smoked if you not want to like this low matter.

To hair could result in to fell. Cigarettes weakened the immunity system, so as the body was more susceptible to the illness like lupus erythematosus that caused hair to fall, the mouth thrush, and the eruption cutan (the existence of the red spot) on the face, the scalp and the hands.

The eyes, could result in cataracts. Smoked was believed could aggravate the condition for the eyes. Cataracts, also could Made the colour to be white to the eyepiece that obstructed the entry of the light and caused blindness.

Of 40% happened to the smoker who caused cataracts by means of making the irritation to the eyes by being freed him chemicals in the lungs that by the blood circulation below down to the eyes.

Even so to skin could experience wrinkles. His cause was cigarettes, because of early ageing to skin because of destruction of protein that was useful to maintain skin elasticity, terkikis him vitamin A and the hindering of the blood circulation. The smoker's skin became dry and wrinkled especially in the area of the eyes lip.

Lose listening, that was caused because of cigarettes (tobacco). The emergence because of sediment to the wall of blood vessels so as to hinder the rate of the blood circulation in interior ears, cigarettes could lose listening was earlier than the person that did not smoke or more was easy to lose listening because of the ears infection or the loud voice.

Including skin cancer that also happened because of cigarettes. The possibility happened the death was higher as a result of aggravating the illness that was suffered.

Caries. Cigarettes influenced the chemical balance in the mouth so as the condition for the mouth was sourer, formed the excessive plaque, made teeth become yellow so as to speed up the occurrence of caries. The risky smoker lost their teeth 1.5 fold times.

And emphyse. A widening and destruction of the pocket of air to the lungs that reduced the capacity of the lungs to suck oxygen and released CO2.

well, so the side-effect from smoke. Now was up to you, you whether wanted healthy or wanted to be sick? Remained chose, all that you yourself that felt.

= Overcome swelling gums

The gums illness was the general term from the illness periodontal. This illness could attack the adult through to would-child. When being not overcome straightaway then the gums illness could cause free teeth and caused various illness sorts like the lungs, cancer et cetera. According to Drg. Elizabeth Linda from the Gigi (teeth) Dental Salon Clinic, The cause main of swelling gums was caused by several factors, that is the cleanliness of the mouth that not all that for example to brush more untrue teeth his direction, teeth coral that was pulled out or cleaned. Healthy gums were pink, his form did not stand out in teeth gaps, not swollen and his texture like citrus fruit skin, if being touched elastic.

Teeth relations and gums

Generally when teeth not disikat and was cleaned truly and was arranged, will cause the plaque to teeth. The plaque was a layer that contained food and the bacteria that afterwards hardened to tartar or teeth coral that could cause the gums illness. Apart from teeth coral that was not cleaned, the toothbrush was untrue and clean could cause still the existence of leftovers that adhered at the edge of teeth that most close to gums. When being left alone increasingly for a long time would much and could trigger swelling gums.

The sign of swelling gums

Generally the illness of swelling gums was always followed with the certain sign. Gelaja swelling gums that must be paid attention to thoroughly in part :

- Visible gums red, the swelling
- Be sick and was easy to be bloody when being touched
- The breath became smellyIf already serious will cause the inflammation to gums, as far as unsteady teeth as well as was easy free.

Immediately must be overcome

Swollen gums, if being kept still will be very dangerous. That one situation had an opportunity to become one of the illnesses that attacked the other body organ, that was most frightening was cancer. To overcome swelling gums could be begun by maintaining the health of the mouth, by means of menyikat teeth correctly. The toothbrush in accordance with the minimal suggestion twice a day and when necessary after eating. Moreover was important also to hard-working cleaned minimal teeth coral four months very much till six months very much.

Don't forget to clean also leftovers that slipped around two teeth, like dental floss. When having the remnants of the teeth root that had the potential to become the source of the bacteria then immediately must be pulled out. The control of the routine to the dentist also must be carried out minimal six months or a year very much.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

= Treated teeth when being pregnant

Had you heard the saying that every time was pregnant one tooth was lost? This saying has definitely been not again foreign for many people, especially in the circle of mothers. This saying also was a sign that the problem of teeth often accompanied each kind of pregnancy.
Pregnancy was during that most make happy, each mother must want his pregnancy smooth, without being disturbed by the problem anything including the problem of teeth. Nayatanya, often the mother was pregnant complained about toothache. So why emerged the view in many circles that every time was pregnant definitely will experience the complaint on teeth. Circulated also a myth that said that when being pregnant, teeth calcium will be absorbed by the prospective baby so as to cause the mother's teeth to be fragile and finally was lost/the date.

Was easy Caries

This myth was actually very wrong, because the mineral to teeth had the shape of crystal hidroxyapatit that was very stable so as to be not possible to be absorbed to satisfy the requirement for the prospective baby. Often that happened was, in pregnancy to a change in the level of the acidity happen in the cavity in the mouth resulting from the change in the condition hormonal for pregnancy. The matter so that afterwards will cause the condition for the mouth to become sourer and to be easy to happen caries, finally teeth became the infection. Teeth damage will be increasingly fast because when being pregnant, several mothers felt frightened and were reluctant to go to the dentist. As a result beginning damages could not be immediately dealt with and caused teeth damage to become more serious, so as to emerge this saying.

Don't worry

The fear of the mothers was pregnant for the control of teeth routinely as a result of the existence of the view concerning the side-effect from the dentistry action like the defect emergence in a baby or the difficulty at the time of the change. In fact, actually most dentistry actions did not result in the dangerous effect the content. In this case that was most important is the existence of communication that was good between the dentist and the mother was pregnant as well as the gynaecologist's doctor who treated him. The patient must also understand the risk and the profit that will be received from the medical action this dentistry.

Even the mother was pregnant not check up teeth routinely or treated straightaway the complaint on his teeth routinely or treated straightaway the complaint on his teeth will give the bad impact for himself but also the embryo. A research that was interesting from American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry in 2007, stated the existence of the risk of giving birth to the baby with the low weight (prethe term low birth weight/PLBW) to the mother was pregnant that suffered radangan in the cavity in the mouth (periodontitis). The other research that was carried out by Contreras A in the Periodontology Journal in 2006, expected the existence of relations periodontitis with preeklampsia, a condition for pregnancy that was marked by hypertension and proteinuria.

The manifestation to the Cavity in the Mouth

The manifestation of pregnancy that most often happened was gingivitis (gingivitis) despite with the level of different seriousness. Unfortunately the mother was pregnant tended to ignore this problem. The habit mengemil and the frequency ate that more often caused the plaque dump to be faster. The plaque was accompanied with the increase the level of homon oestrogen and progestron caused the inflammation and the plaque dump was faster. The plaque was accompanied with the increase in the level of oestrogen hormone and progestron caused the inflammation and the swelling to gums. The inflammation was to gums marked by the surface of coloured gums red, seldom grew and was easy to be bloody. Most often emerged to front teeth.
If gingivitis immediately was not handled, then will spread to around the teeth root (periodontitis) and could cause loose teeth. For a long time has been studied by the connection between periodontitis and the birth of the baby and the low weight that often result in fatal.

In several cases could grow one mass like the tumour, that emerged in anatara two teeth, was red rather purple or rather birua, as well as was easy to be bloody; that normally is mentioned epulis gravidarum. Epulis emerged because the shortage of the cleanliness of the mouth and the number of plaques as well as teeth coral. Epulis this sometimes could disappear automatically after giving birth or if being not lost and annoying then must be thrown away.

Teeth damage because of caries actually not the effect from pregnancy. The plaque from consumption of sugar that was abundant as well as the shortage of the cleanliness of the mouth contributed the contribution that was bigger towards the caries emergence. Teeth damage because of the erosion of the side of acid (perimylolysis), happened because the mother was pregnant often felt the beginning and vomited especially in the morning, as a result the remnants of the side of acid will damage the teeth email. When the teeth email became soft, fragile then teeth will also be easy broken.

To the mother was pregnant that often vomited it was recommended to immediately kumur and cleaned the cavity in the mouth that acid is immediately thrown away.
In several cases was found by the existence of the mother was pregnant that experienced the dry mouth syndrome (xerostromia), that was the side-effect from the change in the hormone for the pregnancy period. The condition for the mouth that often could trigger teeth caries became more active. The matter that could be done was with more often drank or stimulated the issuing of saliva with free chewing gum sugar.

The maintenance of teeth while being pregnant

The control of the diet was the matter that was very important to be paid attention to. The mother was pregnant must mendapt asupan nutrition that was enough, covered vitamin A, C, D, protein, kaslium, folat, fluoride, et cetera. The requirement ate that increased made the mother be pregnant tended to increase the frequency the snack apart from time to eat. Considering cemilan often contained sugar, better revenue the snack was restricted and immediately cleaned the mouth immediately after eating the snack.

The maintenance of the routine to increase higienitas the cavity in the mouth that covered the cleaning of teeth coral and the plaque safe was carried out both in trimester 1, 2 and 3. better be carried out more often to increase the level of the health of the cavity in the mouth. The toothbrush that was good and true as well as wash the mouth with antiseptic medicine like chlorhexidine 0.12% were really recommended.

The other maintenance like t teeth and the maintenance of the root channel could be still being done. Mendedation with the amalgam material that contained mekuri, was proven to be safe. Really was suggested to carry out the maintenance and mendedation to all the teeth that were broken to avoid the occurrence of the infection and the feeling was sick at the time of trimester the end. Except in the state of emergency, was suggested to carry out the withdrawal of teeth in trimester the three. At this time, the formation of the organ has been complete, and was time was most comfortable for the mother was pregnant to accept the maintenance was compared during trimester the three ends. The other maintenance that was shaped like a cosmetics like made white teeth (bleaching) better be postponed first.

The state of emergency could be like the abscess or the acute infection that needed the handling immediately, carried out in trimester how many also. The photograph x-rayed or x-Ray sebaika him was carried out only when necessary and the mother was pregnant must use the patron took the form of the layer of tin (the apron).

If enabled better the action was postponed until after gave birth. The mothers were pregnant must inform the existence of pregnancy in the official that served. On the whole, really was suggested to begin to maintain the cleanliness and the control of teeth routinely since the beginning of pregnancy. Communication between the dentist, the mother was pregnant and the gynaecology doctor must be more intensive, so as the risk could be minimised.

May the saying every time be pregnant, one tooth was lost was not again current. (Drg. Rikko Hudyono).

Thursday, August 14, 2008

= Omega-3


Generally, the child's intelligence simply not was based on the environmental factor, but had positive relations between the habit of a mother consumed the fish in the period was pregnant.

Was like this the study that was carried out in America that was reported the Journal of Epidemiologi America. Was based on this study, a normal mother consumed the fish when being pregnant was proven had the smarter child and the capacity motorik that was better compared to the child that during the period of in the content of his mother did not consume the fish.

A mother who consumed at least two portions of the fish each weeks him for the pregnancy period, was proven could produce the descendants (the child) with the better cognitive level (smart), had the ability to absorb the vocabulary and caught visual better, had the visual motor and the capacity motorik that was better.

This research gave the contribution that was significant for the study of the development of the baby's brain, because evidently the development of the baby's brain was really determined in periods beforehand he was born.

Almost all of our neurons were formed well at the time of trimester the two periods of the mother's pregnancy. At the time of so the critical process of developing the interconnection correctly took place.

Thoughts, the habit, and our cognitive capacity, of course were results of the functional process of the brain.

Therefore, abnormal to the brain will cause abnormal in thoughts and our behaviour next the day.

Why the fish Influential? Because of the fish often contained Omega-3 as the important component in the formation of the brain. (LID).

= Green Tea


The hard-working men drank green tea totalling five cups in a day could reduce the risk of prostate cancer, compared to only drank two cups tea a day.

Was based on results of the Ministry's research of the Health, Welfare, and Japanese Manpower that involved 50 thousand men, the habit drank green tea evidently could localise the common cancer cell was in the prostate.

Shoichiro Tsugane, The head of the Division Epidemologi and the Prevention from the Centre of Cancer of Nasional Japan, increasingly strengthened the usefulness of green tea.

The thinkers Japan stated green tea had several contents certain, among them antioksiden polyphenol, fluoride, mangaan, caffeine and tannin.

Antioksidan polyphenol beneficial reduced the risk of the heart disease, killed the tumour cell, and hindered the growth of the cancer cell. Moreover, also helped the smoothness of the process of the digestion.

Fluoride was the mineral that could prevent the growth of teeth caries, preventing gingivitis, and hollow teeth.

The content of caffeine in green tea of as many as 3-5 percent, then will make the body and thoughts be felt fresher.

While tannin, it was known could prevent and treat the disturbance of the kidney, even the still wet tea leaves could be used as the compress when being affected by the insects bite or could also as the compress when being affected by the insects bite or could also as freshener for the tired eyes. (LID).

= Paprika made sperm aggresive

Consumed likopen from red paprika could increase the sexual quality. Likopen was believed in could increase the number of sperm, improved the structure of sperm, and increased his aggressiveness.

Was based on the research in India against 30 couples was unfertile, consumed likopen totalling 20 mg while 3 months could continually increase the number of sperm of 67%, improved the structure of sperm 63%, increased the speed of sperm 73%.

Be based on the report on All India Institute of Science New Delhi (2002), likopen was one of the 650 kinds karotenoid that normally was met in the high concentration to the testes. If the concentration likopen low, the man will find it easy experienced to unfertile.

Likopen red paprika could maintain the mental and physical function lansia. After entering the blood circulation, likopen will arrest the free radical to old cells and improved cells that experienced damage.

The processing of paprika better be carried out correctly in order to not reduce his nutritive value. So that the level of not fast vitamin C yawned, better paprika was put into cooking at the end of the process of cooking or being mixt with salad.

The storage of paprika was preferably carried out exactly. The content of vitamin C could decrease, in fact was lost, if paprika that was divided was allowed for a long time was affected by air.


There were several methods chose and kept good paprika. Firstly, chose paprika that his skin was still slippery, shone, and not dull. Secondly, chose that was hard to confirm that his quality was still good and new. If being bought in the situation was wrapped plastic, immediately opened his package so that not humid. Thirdly, kept paprika in the pocket of plastic that has dilubangi before being put into the refrigerator, so as kept for the long period.

Paprika should be not allowed in the situation to be divided if immediately will not be eaten because vitamin C that was contained inside could decrease or be lost. (LID).

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

= Implant To For Life

Ancient, pulled out teeth it was considered resolved the problem when teeth were sick or unsteady, in fact the withdrawal precisely became the cause of the new problem emergence.

This matter like that was revealed by Dr. Lita R Darmawan from Kharinta Dental & Skin Care. According to him, the first impact of this withdrawal was without teeth, then teeth that to despite this (upper or low teeth) will descend down and exact teeth was on the side will be askew to the position that ompong because of being not that kept.

“Resulting from him teeth will among them become the place of leftovers accumulated and that was most again problematic, the appearance of the face will be sunken because of not having his support. The appearance of the face will also change if we lost teeth,” he explained.

In ancient also, to fill up the position there were no teeth this, several generations in ats we installed him with false teeth that could be released rose, but these false teeth had the potential to be lost and caused was sick when eating. With the quite fast medical technological expansion at this time, the free pair paradigm of these teeth also developed to cekat the imitation crown.

This method required neighbouring teeth dikecilkan with the aim was made the grip for there were no teeth this. Unfortunately, if neighbouring teeth still in the good and healthy condition were forced to be damaged to In small would, whereas the concept of the maintenance action of teeth must be carried out as minimally as possible his intervention.

Well, technology that developed to overcome these date teeth was implant teeth that referred in what was pulled out. Implant had a function of replacing the teeth root that was pulled out, that was put into the patient's jaw. “magined, the molar had the teeth root of two or three, whereas implant that basically only had one but his strength exceeded strength original teeth, “revealed him.

The material implant that was made from the titanium have the characteristics could move like original teeth. Said by Lita, implant this could remain until for life the patient or approximately 30 years permanently carried out the maintenance after his fitting was good in the house or to the doctor, guarded the pattern of the life, the pattern ate, and the pattern of the cleanliness of the mouth and teeth.

“So, should not make a matter become more serious if we could carry out the prevention than medical treatment because the maintenance will be cheaper and time that was seized also not many, he said”.

As in the case of the stage that will be carried out before installing the teeth wire, the stage before put on implant also was not different, that is preceeded with the taking of the photograph x Ray panoramic or CT scan to know the thickness of bones. (Jerna).

= The Pretty Smile Beautiful Teeth

Teeth were the important part of the appearance. Many methods of getting neat and beautiful teeth, from the use of the teeth wire to invisalign

Neat teeth without the wire

Indeed the teeth wire became tren special, but was the person that felt risi used this teeth wire. Especially for them, currently had the new innovation, tidied up teeth without the wire. The method just corrected the teeth composition without this wire was invisalign. His form was similar to false teeth clear that at once could be applied to teeth for eight hours a day, for two weeks, for maximal results.Without the wire, colours rubber, invisalign was designed for them who gave priority to the practicability without sacrificing results.

The patient could come to the doctor to check the teeth situation. Then in a computerized manner, the measurement of teeth was made by the version 3-D as the measurement of the foundation, dummy that will be sent to America. From the country of Paman Sam, “False teeth” this plastic was given to the patient in order to be put on for two weeks.“Invisalign could be brought came home and was used in the house. Nightly was used eight hours a day for ten to fourteen days,“ said drg. Elizabeth Linda from Dental Salon. After the period, usually has the movement of the form of teeth. Afterwards was carried again out the repeated grating in a manner the computer to find the new form.This method was carried out occurred again until the patient found the form of teeth that he wanted. Easy not? Inivisble, removable, free the metal material that could result in the irritation also could be cleaned from time to time.

At this time invisalign was becoming the idol in the world ortodontis. However, not everyone could enjoy him. As you know, his price was not cheap. Yes, always had the price to appear better, isn’t it? (Yohan).

Stay white with home bleaching

There were two methods that could be followed to get white teeth, that is home bleaching that could be carried out in the house and office bleaching that was carried out in the teeth clinic. According to Dr. Lita R Darmawan from the Kharinta teeth clinic, after did bleaching, there were several maintenance in the house that must be done so that teeth stay white, among them:

Take the teeth edition and smeared with the whitening material. Usually after did bleaching for the maintenance in the house, the dentist will give the teeth edition that was printed in accordance with your teeth contour. Tonight, put on the teeth edition that was smeared this whitening material for eight hours. Cleanse teeth of whitening material in the morning. Choose toothpaste that contained bleach. The maintenance of these teeth was important was undergone, because after did bleaching, the colour of teeth will descend one level every day if being not treated.

The ideal maintenance

The maintenance of these teeth might not be carried out every day. Ideally the maintenance of this teeth bleach was only carried out for one month. As for to avoid yellowish teeth, along with tips him: Pay attention to your lifestyle, reduced food that his characteristics were coloured for example food that contained coconut milk, including the drink of soda. Reduce also consumption of coffee and tea that also had the effect made teeth yellow.Increased consumed bengkuang, strawberi, and the watermelon. Increased drank the pure water, minimal eight glasses a day. The pure water had the characteristics neutralised the viscosity from the acidity of the saliva at the same time functioning as the cleaner of the body organ. (Sri Noviarni).

Thursday, August 7, 2008

= The benefit of the spice from inside the land

Not all the heroes of the life on the surface of the earth. Partly was that live in underground. For example 3 heroes. With no hesitation they continued to maintain the health of humankind without hoping for the recompense. (Ricky Anderson).

Without being realised by you, many underground creatures who uptil now were ignored by you, were ready to maintain your health. Recognise them.

Ask about your grandfather, or they who lived when medicine was not yet found, how did they maintain the health? Definitely his answer by means of processing plants. And... although being gathered by means of simple, the plants ingredients could maintain stamina in fact cured various illnesses.

Dr. Susiani Purbaningsih, DEA, the expert of plants physiology from the FMIPA UI Department said, the plants composition herbal indeed The usefulness cured various illnesses. His empirical authentication was acknowledged by many circles so as together with passing of time, currently in the market often was sold various crop medicine in the form of the capsule, the pill and the drink. Anything his form, basically same, plants that came from nature to bring the usefulness for the human body, if being processed correctly.

Then, if from the medical spectacles, medicine that was made from these plants deviant and will bring the effect of the negative? Clearly Susiani said, “No! Precisely much chemical medicine now –although not all of them- was synthetic or the imitation from medicine that came from nature”.

That meaning that many compositions from modern medicine that took the main point from natural medicine like plants. in fact, there were thousands of crop kinds herbal that could be used by us as medicine. But only 500 species that could be identified well. Along with, kai chose 3 that really usefulness and was useful for the health of your body.


was the crop of the rhizome kind that since long ago had been used by humankind as the spices material and the medicine. The branch from the ginger rhizome, usually has the shape of the human finger and had smelled nice, because of having the content of attrition oil. The other scientific content that was owned ginger was gingerol, oil flew, and limonene. The crop that had the other name zingiber officinale this, also contained the active substance shogaols and gingerols that had a function of generating energy. Moreover, the experts acknowledged him as the crop kind antioksidan strongest a world. Ginger played a role as the hero for humankind, because of could cure the illness and various annoying signs like along with:

Kept nausea and drunk the trip

Ginger could keep serotomin -the compound chemistry- that caused the contraction stomach so as to emerge nausea. Because of this, he was very useful for the person who found it easy to be attacked drunk the trip, both the land, sea, and air.

The scientist in Japan found the fact, that gingerols functioned in a manner the reflection kept your wish to fade. With comsumtion ginger, 20 minutes before rising the vehicle (the car, boat or the aircraft) you will have the strength remained 4 hours without the feeling of the headache, nausea everything faded.

This fact was afterwards reinforced with the The American Phytotherapy Reseach Laboratory findings in Salt Lake City that proved, a child who was given ate ginger, could carry out the proceeding movement for 6 minutes without the feeling of the significant headache. Whereas the other child that not comsumtion ginger, only could carry out the proceeding movement for 4.5 minutes, with the feeling of the extraordinary headache.

Expedited the obstruction of blood

The ginger capacity in stimulating the release of the adrenalin hormone and widening the network of blood vessels, made the blood circulation flow smooth so as the work of the heart to pump him was very limited. The researcher from Cornell University Medical College said, ginger could expedite the obstruction of blood as in the case of aspirin. The level of gingerol in ginger that was antikoagulan, play a role important to prevent the process of blood clottin.

So, industriously comsumtion ginger, the problem of the obstruction of blood vessels -that became the main cause stroke and the heart attack- could be avoided by you. And as in the case of plants antioksidan alin, ginger was natural medicine that was good to maintain the health of the heart.

Maintained the digestion

The active substance shogaol available in ginger stimulated the smoothness of blood, so as the smoothness of the system penceranaan also was helped. This process also happened owing to help of the digestion enzyme had a name protease and lipase, that worked to digest protein and fat.

Released the migrant

A research in Denmark mentioned, comsumtion 1/3 sdt powdered ginger, could stop the rate of the attack megran, even before the sign of the next headache came.

Unloaded cholesterol

Apart from berkhasiat expedited peyumbatan blood, gingerol ginger was also potent to help unloaded the level of cholesterol in the body. A research that was carried out against the animal, produced the fact that ginger was proven to be potent reduced fat in the body.

Against cancer

The content vitro to ginger, was influential in pressing the rate of cancer to normal cells the human body. Moreover in a test, proven ginger could increase immunity of the animal body that suffered the tumour.

Actually, still many usefulness of ginger that could we revealed. One of them was if dikombinasi with the tree leaves ginkgo, evidently ginger could make the brain cleverer.

Despite in this case, the influence gingko that indeed played a bigger role. in an opportunity, ginger had also been compared with 35 other kinds of the medicine crop. Results of ginger became the winner in the category of plants that berkhasiat pressed the growth of the fungus to human skin. Moreover he was effective to expel the recalcitrant fungus, that actually not faded by the maintenance lulur traditional normally.

Tati W Winarto, Herbalis from the Foundation of the Developer the Obat Karyasari Crop said, in Indonesia the utilisation of ginger continued to be carried out maximally. “Jahe that was good for treated the dry cough, the throat illness, injured skin, very itchy, pivot pain, the snake bite, cholera, in fact was suitable to be made the aphrodisiac for the impotent sufferer”.

The feeling of ginger that was hot because of the content oleoresin could make the body warm, so as the side was felt comfortable, alleviated imprisoned the stomach and helped the fast body to issue the wind. The tip got best ginger: looked for ginger that still fresh, avoided that has been already wet, mengkerut, or his surface was too soft.


Plants that lived fertile in the plain or taking-roots mountains loose this, had the scientific name kaempferia the dock. Although initially (like turmeric) galingale was often buried was cultivated by Indonesians, Malaysia, and the South-East Asian nation other. Galingale including plants herbal with rizoma was in doubt, with the form of the oval leaves widened as far as the land. The long measurement of the galingale leaves usually 10 cm, with the diameter 6 through to 7 cm.

In our country, normal galingale was processed into the herbal tonic base, because including in the kind of the medicine crop in the ethnic group te you-findings. This crop rhizome, contained volatile oil and the alkaloid that often were made use of as stimulan. The cultivation practicability of plants that grew fertile in this rainy season was tested.

He could be buried in the pot or in the garden that was enough to get the sun rays. If being mixt vegetables oil, the galingale rhizome could cure the wound and brought the warm effect on the person's body that experienced rheumatism.

Moreover some galingale that was changed to lotion could cleanse dandruff of the head. Now that had the shape of the powder, if being mixt honey could become medicine that was effective for the cough sufferer and was sick in the chest part.

Against the Tumour

The scientist from Unversity of Leicester concluded, effective galingale pressed the growth rate of the tumour. The substance ethanol from proven galingale kept teleocidin B-4, the cause of the tumour that produced Epstein-Barr the virus in the Raji cell. In every time 100 g/ml the galingale liquid, was produced the substance antitumor that was enough to ward off the raging illness.

The drink material of tonic

Galingale that had grown in the west territory since hundreds last year often were used as the drink base of effective tonic calmed the fever and various were sick the digestion. Because galingale was really known to boost up stamina, and so Arabians used galingale as the main drink of their horses. Now, the Tartar nation drank him in the form of tea, to melecut the power before waging war.

If being consumed by 3 times a day: the morning, the afternoon, in the afternoon, Tati believed galingale could cure itchy on the throat, reduced the stiff feeling and eliminated the body smell. Galingale could be also used to cure the stiff and inflamed eyes of the ears child.


Physically turmeric grew this one rhizome indeed was not different far from ginger. Moreover, turmeric personally actually indeed still be classed as in the family ginger-jahean or more was known with the term zingiberaciae. And for you who liked to cook, definitely him has not been again foreign with plants had the shape of this finger discount.

In the world kulineri, turmeric indeed often was used as cooking colouring matters. Turmeric that also could be processed into this cosmetic material, was used as the mainstay spices by the Asian nation since thousands last year. Not only that, turmeric was also known as the medical treatment material to be most effective that was practised the Chinese nation.

The scientific content that was contained in turmeric was kurkuminoid that consisted of the active substance kurkumin, desmetoksikumin, bisdesmetosirkumin and various other positive substances. Several usefulness of turmeric that has been known to be general in part:

Postponed Cancer

The substance antioksidan that was contained in turmeric, could protect your large intestine cell from the influence of the damaging free radical of DNA.It’s benefit big, remembered the process of the change in the quite fast large intestine cell, approximately 3 days very much. Because of the change, if immediately was not dealt with the DNA cell on the large intestine that was contaminated by the radical free to produce moving cancer fast, so as they spread and made damage serious. The other method turmeric helped us to be by means of improving the function of the work of the heart.

Helped the sufferer Cystic Fibrosis

Kurkumin, the biggest content in turmeric that gave his colour was yellow, could correct genetic damage that caused cystic fibrosis (the illness was dangerous that attacked the lungs by means of covering him with thick mucus). The dangerous illness that caused the acute infection and could cause this death, attacked 30 thousand children and the adolescent in America, so as they could not it was predicted survive through to the age 30 years. This mucus also could merusk the pancreas, apart from influencing the body capacity.

Helped the sufferer the HIV

Results of the laboratory research very much suggested the AIDS sufferer for more to comsumtion turmeric, because of the content kurkumirus by means of blocking the growth rate of the virus by means of blocked long the terminal repeat (the DNA identity) in the HIV gene.

Tati also added, since long ago our ancestors had indeed entrusted recuperation of various minor illnesses, like inflated, the pain stomach, nausea, very itchy because of the smallpox, the fever, or diarrhoea to turmeric. “However not rare they also used turmeric to cure the illness mag, eczema, even diabetes”.

= The New Method The Handling of the Cancer Patient

At this time was present the new method the handling of the patient of heart cancer. These efforts were believed in could increase hope of his life.

The patient of heart cancer who was treated with sorafenib experienced the improvement on the life expectancy of 44%. Tea of New England Journal of Medicine published results of the third phase research, the tablet Sorafenib could reduce the risk of the death of 31% apda the patient with cancer of the heart cell stadum continued. Therefore, sorafenib was agreed for HCC medical treatment to by European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to Okteber and in November 2007.

“At this time the handling for other cancer had the handling that more advanced, was different from heart cancer that still experienced kesulitan,” said Dr. Josep M. Llovet, the representative of the head investigator and the professor from Barcelona Clinik Leiver Cancer (BCLC) Group IDIBAPS, Unit Liver, The Clinic hospital Barcelona in Jakarta. this happened because of the shortage of the medical treatment system to extend the life expectancy and the shortage of the opportunity to carry out the operation. “Medicine this became the first choice in the handling of heart cancer,” Josep words. According to him, the subject from this research reflected the new standard of the handling of heart cancer with the use Sorafenib.

”Globally the death rate in heart cancer continued to rise, was caused prevelensi the infection from B hepatitis and C,” Jordi Bruix words, Co-Principal investigator and the director from Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) Group; the senior consultant, the Liver Unit, the hospital Barcelona.

The international SHARP research the third phase (Sorafenib HCC Assessment Randomizes Protokol) was carried out against 602 patients of heart cancer who did not yet get the handling beforehand. The research was carried out by comparing the level of continuation of the life on the whole, development time of the tumour, development time simptomatik between the patient that received sorafenib compared with plasebo. concerning results of this research was presented in American Society of Clinical Oncology in June 2007. in general the life expectancy figure of the patient that got sorafenib was 10.7 months.

whereas for the group that got plasebo only 7.9 months (HR=0,69; p=0,0006). Whereas in general time of the tumour expansion was 5.5 months with sorafenib compared with plasebo that is 2.8 months (HR=0,58;p= HR=0,58;p=<0,001).

The side-effect that was connected with medicine most often with the stage 3 or 4 that received Nexavar was diarrhoea and the reaction hand-foot-skin. There was no indication not balanced if seeing the serious side-effect between the Nexavar group and placebo. ”cancer the heart cell was the second type from cancer where Sorafenib showed the useful profit in a klinis,” manner said Dimitris Voliotis, MD, vice the president, Nexavar Clinical Development, Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceticals. ”We happy that at this time Sorafenib was available for the patient who contracted cancer and we will continue to work with the bodies of the world regulation to get use permission Sorafenib,” said Dimitris. (LID)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

= Discard Fat

The satisfactory appearance showed elegance and the simple softness. Everything had the slender and healthy body, you appeared strong in a physical, emotional and spiritual manner.

You wanted to appear OK? Each woman craved the body like that. But, how the view of the woman who had the fat body? Were they silent then? Certainly not his answer. Recently, the Indonesian health experts used Health Technology Assesment technology (HTA), Liposuction tumescent.

This technology safe was used could reduce the layer of fat in the body that officially was issued by the Department of Health, last year.

“Liposuction or operation-sucked-fat was one of the methods of reducing the layer of fat in part the certain body member. For example the stomach, the thigh, arms, et cetera. The technique is, made the hole small to skin and issued fat with the vacuum power (sucked). That became the main aim of the person did liposuction was body contouring that is throwing fat in the body part that was not wanted away.

”The body in a kosmestis manner better. Ideal in accordance with the patient's wish.” said Dr. Irma Bernadette, SpKK, Divisi Dermatologi Kosmetik FKUI/RSCM. Generally the person that did liposuction had the form of the body was better. His weight decreased. ”Volume fat that was issued 5 – 10 liter,” he said. So fat that was issued from the body, could not again in the similar place.

Although having several technical sorts that were used in practice, he said, the safest technique was used was the local drugs tumus him and kamula blunt, was good with the machine and sempirit (syringe). Because the local anaesthesia technique used the big volume from the solution to the material anesti, that was diluted to produce sewwling and firmness to fat subkutan as the area target.

Did the operation suck dangerous fat? Each action had the risk. The danger of each operation was the infection and the bleeding. Both of them could be avoided by means of did liposuction in sterile space. Before the action was carried out by the blood inspection/the laboratory before the operation. To reduce the risk of the operation. Liposuction could be done the local anaesthetic, used the anaesthetic technique (anaesthesia)” The development of the network” (tumescent). This method was found by Dr. Jeffrey Klein, doker skin (dermatologis) from the USA that made the revolution liposuction so as to become one of the relatively safe actions of the cosmetic operation.

”Preparations was enough, the responsible doctor, the risk of the operation will be relatively small. Statistics menunjukan liposuction was not more dangerous compared to the cosmetic operation lain,” Irma's words. There were several complications that could emerge resulting from from liposuction, that is skin was not level, hematoma (the pile of blood that could make donor skin die), a down, intravenous fluid overload (pulmonary oedema), toksisitas from lidokain, the perforation (almost had not happened to the local anaesthetic), and fat emboli.

Before did liposuction, there were two matters that must be paid attention to. Firstly, should not exceed the maximal dose lidokain. Because of giving of the excessive dose will cause toksisitas. Secondly, restricted the volume aspirat (the liquid + fat) that left the body not more than 2,000 cc per the procedure.

Safe, discarded Excessive Fat

The development and the progress of the operation sucked fat was not free from the role Dr. Jeffry Klein and Dr. Patrick Lilis that developed the Tumescent technique during 1985. This technique made the operation action of sucking fat be the relatively safe operation action. In Indonesia, the operation action of sucking fat was carried out during 1980, but at the time still was more unpopular because often caused the complication. However often the progress of technology and medical equipment, the operation action of sucking fat now was one of the safest actions of the cosmetic operation.

The operation sucked fat or liposuction essentially was a purposeful operative action kind threw the heap of fat that was abundant to one or several parts away tubuh,” revealed Dr. Irma Bernadette, SpKK, Divisi Dermatologi Kosmetik FKUI/RSCM. Irma explained, although having several kinds liposuction, but the technique tumesen liposuction (the operation sucked fat) was what was safest was used. Because this technique often imported the profit for the patient compared with the technique kanula and the power sucked.

Any profit that was gotten from the technique tumesan:

- Blood that went out of fewer.

- Did not need the infusion of the replacement carian the body.

- The risk of the infection decreased, because lidoakin was bakteriostatik, so tumesen had a function of enlarging the area that was done, so as the execution liposuction more was easy from results to be more level.

- Vasokonstriksi reduced the absorption lidoakin sestematik.

- Ephinerphine could increase ouput kardiak, so as to speed up excretion lidoakin from inside the body.

- The duration of the anaesthetic could up until 24 hours.

- Lidokain could be given in the dose per kg the weight was higher.

”The each operation including liposuction, the death could also happen. The cause especially is anesthetic death (especially the total drugs), thromboemboli and the public's situation or threw much fat in one away saat,” Irma's words.

The woman tended to stockpile Fat on the Bottom

Obesity was the weight surplus as resulting from the accumulation of excessive body fat. Anyone needed an amount of body fat to keep energy, as the hot partition, the shock absorber, and the other function. The normal comparison between body fat and the weight was 25-30 percent to the woman and 18-23 percent to the man.

The woman with body fat more than 30 percent and the man with body fat more than 25 percent were acknowledged as obesity. Someone who had the weight 20 percent higher than the middle value the range of his weight that was normal it was considered obesity.

There were three obesity groups

Firstly, minor obesity: the weight surplus between 20-40 percent. Secondly, obesity was: the weight surplus between 41-100 percent. Thirdly, difficult obesity: the weight surplus > 100 percent. Difficult obesity was found by as many as 5 percent of among fat people. Attention not hanyak was aimed at the amount of fat that was stockpiled, but also to the location of the accumulation of body fat. Now the pattern of the spreading of body fat to the man and the woman tended to be different. The woman tended to stockpile his fat on the hip and the bottom, so as to give the picture like pir.

Whereas to the man usually fat accumulates in and around the stomach, so as to give the picture like apples. But, this matter not was something that was absolute, sometimes in several the appearance man like pir and several appearance women like apples, especially after the menopause period. Someone that his fat was often stockpiled on the stomach possibly more will be easy experienced as the problem of the health that was connected with obesity. They had the higher risk. The picture pir better compared with the picture apples. To distinguish the two pictures was seized, was found by the decisive method whether someone have the shape of like apples or like pir, that is counting the ratio of the waist with the hip.

The waist was measured in the narrowest point, whereas the hip was measured in the point that was widest, then the measurement of the waist was divided by the measurement of the hip. The measurement of the female waist 87,5 cm and the measurement of the man's hip 115 cm, had the ratio waist-hip of 0.76. The woman with the ratio of the waist: the hip more than 0.8 or the man with the ratio of the waist: the hip more than 1, it was said had the shape of apples. (CR-TIO)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Stroke became the cause of the No. 1 of death in the Indonesian hospital, and the cause of the No. 3 of death in the world. Informed by us the method of avoiding him.

Possibly some people were that knew or knew about the pretty artist Meutia Kasim. This pretty celebrity was forced to have to hand over his jury's seat in the contest Indonesian Idol to the other celebrity because of the attack stroke. In fact you must remember true, how critical is him, I was sharp his statement, really attracted this agenda with the Meutia existence, that possibly received the role as the jury ’antagonis’ like Simon Cowell.

Storke indeed not the hair look. He could attack you when you were to the peak of the glory, claimed all that were had by you in one attack then. Stroke happened because of the existence of the disturbance then. Stroke happened because of the existence ganguan the circulation of blood to the brain take the form of sumbatan (systemic) or even the outbreak of blood vessels (hemoragik). Further, cells and the network of the brain will die and if being not handled as quickly as possible, perhaps will bring you to ’The other world’. but compared with you were haunted stroke, did several steps along with. Guaranteed, your risk will descend.

Descend 7%
If you moving one reason more for playing sport: A research that was carried out to 8,000 men in Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands found that the man who had the level of high testosterone tended to have the small risk suffered stroke. So increase your testosterone with the exercise lunges, squats, and dead lifts. It is best to, carried out the exercise in the afternoon to unload the level of cholesterol that increased all day. So you did not only increase the level of testosterone, but at the same time unloading the level of cholesterol.

Descend 9%
If you be friends with ’the acid’

Well, if you planned to finish this week end in the peak, not there is mistakenly you made use of yourself to buy strawberry fresh that often was met there. ”Consumtion the fruit that contained acid, like strawberry, could give the protection for the body anda,” said Dr. Jan Sudir Purba, Ph.D., from the School Of Medicine of Universitas Indonesia. According to the experts in Massachussetts University, flavanoid -a kind antioksidan- in miraculous this protected your body by means of cleaning the artery. For the maximal benefit, drank 250 ml juice strawberry every day.

Descend 12%
If you knew his dose

Researchers from TNO Nutrition and Food Reseacrch in Zeist found that the man who drank a glass alcoholic drinks (for instance, beer) each night, could lower the level of fibrinogen –pemicu blood clotting. The researchers also found that the level of good cholesterol (HDL) they increased. alcohol could be useful to your body if being consumed with the exact dose, ” Be enough drank a glass (250 ml) a day to help expedited the function The kidney,” said Dr. Jan. But if you drank more than the limitation, then this drink could attack your brain.

Descend 14%
If you to-floss Teeth

Be based on based on the research that was published by Journal of Periodontology, your mouth could bring the problem, ”Bakteri the cause of the gums illness could provoke the reaction in immunity that will attack the artery anda,” said Dr. Michael Roizen. Avoid the problem in gums with the use dental floss and the destroyer of the plaque.

Descend 15%
If you consumtion gandum

Fibre that could be protracted -could be found to the porridge oat or wheat- will reduce the heap of fat to your artery, also unloaded cholesterol and the affected risk stroke. ” Added a slice of apples to the porridge anda,” the suggestion of the nutrition expert, Lan Marber. ”That's will make your porridge rich in pectin, that could unload the level of fat in blood.

Descend 21%
If you could breathe more lega

Not your couple that will breathe more relieved if you stopped snoring and you too! The research that was carried out by the experts in the University Californian UCLA found that the man who snored when sleeping suffered karotid the artery (the constriction) was serious enough in the layer in the area of the neck, that hindered the blood circulation to the brain and involved an affected risk stroke. Most effective medical treatment? The researchers in UCLA said, placed the tennis ball in the clothes rear when you slept. This made you could not sleep with the face appear before above -the susceptible position caused the snore.

Descend 23%
If you expelled stress from your living

Your possibly think that the complaint the he will accompany you were faster the death, but tried to remain. According to the researchers from Malmo University Hospital, from 100% the sufferer stroke, 25% among them were male that was separated. The highest risk happened after 12 divorce months resulting from stress, depression, and the change in the lifestyle. On the other hand, the man who had not married did not show the increase.

Descend 26%
If you expedited the current blood

” Bananas could keep away you from blood clotting, ”kata Dr. Jan. According to Jurnal Neurologi, bananas contained potassium that could expedite the blood circulation. Apart from bananas, green vegetables and milk also were the source of good potassium.

Descend 28%

According to the research from Finland’s National the Health Institute Public, 3 exercise hours that were full of sweat every week, will bring the reward for your head. Moreover the minor exercise as going, gardened, fished, for 4 hours a week could reduce the affected risk stroke as far as 14%.

Descend 36%
If you reduced consumption salt

The Habit to use the spice increased your possibility to be in the position that did not please, was like this the Stroke Association covering. ”Although you did not add salt to your food, if you often consumption food that was processed as food was ready eat, your big possibility has passed the tolerance limit for consumption of salt of a day,”said Joe Korner, from Stroke Association. The consumption limit of salt of a day was 2,4 gram.

Descend 40%
If you opposed the swelling

A research that was carried out in Nottingham University found, they who measured the waist more than 37 inch had the affected risk stroke twice the fold compared with that around the circle his waist under 37 inch. ”cells fat that gathered in and around the stomach was different from the fat cell that gathered in and around the stomach was different from the fat cell in the other area to your body, ”said the writer of the research, Prof. Anthonya Barnett. ”Zat that they the pump could damage the insulin system and increased the affected risk stroke, diabetes, and the heart disease.

Descend 40%
If you were not foreign with the fish

The Research that was carried out in Harvard University in the United States found that consumtion the fish a month very much was enough to help to chase the risk stroke iskemik –tersumbat him the blood circulation to the brain. ”Omega-3 could unload bad LDL cholesterol, at the same time cleaning your artery, ” said the writer of the research, Ka He.

Descend 42%
If you could chase the alkohol drink

The Drink a glass bir quite pleasant and beneficial, but the party drank-alcohol only will make you felt hangover. The drinkers had the affected risk stroke through to 42% higher compared with them who did not drink.

Descend 50%
If you stopped smoked

If you continue to smoked that meaning that you were gathering the pile of fat to walls of your artery. Each chip of fat could hinder the supply of blood that ought to be received by the brain. But if you stop now, then after your 5 years will have the same opportunity was avoided from stroke with them that did not smoke. (Powered by Ruth Hutagalung).

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